Barb is the heart and soul of JMHA. Without her passion for mustangs JMHA would have never come into existence.
Laura Harper
Board Member
As a film maker, Laura is committed to the fight to preserve mustangs. Her writing and people skills are a highly valued part of our team.
Middy McFarland
Board Member
A true advocate for mustangs, Middy has been on our board since 2014. Her passion has led to her training several mustangs and she runs a small sanctuary for JMHA on her property for mustangs that are not ready for adoption.
Delaws Lindsay
Lead Trainer
Delawes is an experienced horseman who has refined the art of communicating with mustangs and supports JMHA in all of its endeavors.
Mike Leonard
Mike's outdoor skills have been vital to getting the ball rolling on our PZP darting program.
Bobbie Leonard
Bobbie's ideas and musical talents(along with her husband Mike) have breathed new life into JMHA's fund raising.
Beckah Larsen
Creative Consultant/Trainer
Beckah helps with the web and graphic design. She is always full of ideas, sometimes even good ones.
You Can Help!
The mustang is a living piece of American history that needs support, now, more than ever. We can only continue growing with the help of our suporters. Every small contribution is a big help. Thank you for caring about our wild horses.